Christina Holland Designs

Sep 26, 20227 min

Gemstone Focus: Gems for Libra Season

Updated: Oct 18, 2022

Pink Tourmaline Hammered Hoops Necklace & Earrings set in 14k Gold-fill.

Sweet Libra Season releases you from the routines of Virgo season with it's harmonious and playful energy. Indulge yourself in the season and see how adding gemstone jewelry to your day to day can aid you in staying balanced during this social season.

Libra season begins on Sept 22nd and runs through October 22nd. Here to usher in the Fall Season, this seventh sign of the zodiac represents love, harmony, relationships, justice, and balance- it is after all the sign of the Scales. It is the halfway point in the year and a time many in the Northern hemisphere harvest the fruits of Summer- taking stock of what you've accomplished or created and even giving yourself a reward for a project well done, go ahead- splurge a little!

Relationships are represented under Libra season, and with their ability to see things from all points of view to bring balance and harmony, this is a wonderful time to spend time with our friends and partners. This air sign helps us make the connection with our loved ones, Libras are great listeners with a calming energy that allows us to speak openly and truthfully. You can even take this energy with you into the workplace by practicing patience with your coworkers and bringing compassion into collaborations. Teamwork really brings the magic together during Libra season!

*Don't forget that we're still experiencing Mercury Retrograde until October 2nd (and the post shadow for a week+ afterwards), so make sure you're still being clear with your words and needs. The right gemstone jewelry can help you stay focused and intentional with your communication.

Libra season is the perfect time to explore what makes you feel the most empowered, speak your truth, and maintain your peace of mind. Wear your favorite gemstone jewelry to help you feel amazing this season and don't shy away from taking as many selfies as you like- and if you're wearing any of my designs, don't forget to tag Christina Holland Designs!

Keep reading to see what gemstones can help you enjoy the energy of Libra season.

Gemstone for Libra Season

Sticks & Stones Necklace & Earrings "Mesquite Beans" set in Opal & Copper

Opal: Libras are ruled by the planet Venus, and so is Opal, making this the perfect gemstone for Libra season. This iridescent stone amplifies harmonious energy, leading to heightened unity and enhanced teamwork.

It can bring your personality traits to the surface (even the negative ones), allowing for examination and transformation. It may feel uncomfortable to confront these traits, but it will all be worth it. This is a great time to examine your relationships and identify which ones you should nurture, and which ones you should let go.

Pink Opal brings energies of love and kindness. Black Opal can help you face your darkest fears. White Opal can enlighten emotional patterns that need to be cleared.

Opal is the October birthstone and the main birthstone for Libras. Wear Opal this season to express your true self, encouraging independence and creativity- aiding one to claim their self worth. Releasing anxiety and anger, Opal is also highly protective, bringing the wearer a sense of calm and peace.

Turn to Pink Opal on the Libra New Moon on September 25th, 2022 to let it's soft, soothing energy wrap around you, making you feel loved and supported.

(This section on Opal was collaboratively written with Chelsea Whitaker)

Rose Quartz Hammered Hoops Power Pendants in Brass & Copper

Rose Quartz: Libras are known for their abundance of love and Rose Quartz can help to strengthen this natural element in all of us. Rose Quartz encourages you to love yourself and to put your own needs first so you are better equipped to help others. Compassion and forgiveness are also abundant in this stone making it helpful with healing, and communication. Rose Quartz is able to replace negative energy with loving vibrations.

If you're looking to attract new or more love into you life, wear Rose Quartz. Whether that be romantic love, friendships, or even learning to love yourself more, Rose Quartz can help those relationships by nurturing a deeper bond. Overall this gemstone can draw in more love into our lives by helping us find a deep sense of compassion and care in this world.

Rose Quartz is another birthstone option for Libras and excellent for anyone to wear to help us remember to keep love in our lives. It can help you to tune into your thoughts and to cast aside any superficial ideals. If you find you are trying to balance you feelings, Rose Quartz is an incredible gemstone to help you do just that.

Brass Elements Earrings + Hammered Hoops Neckalce in Aquamarine

Aquamarine: The stone of courage and strength, Aquamarine helps us connect to our inner power and speak the truth, so we can be ourselves without fear of judgment. It's energy works to sooth the mind, reducing stress, and clearing confusion.

Aquamarine embodies themes of reflection making it extremely helpful in meditation, inviting you to plunge in and delve a little deeper to discover your own truths. Thanks to its gentle moods and balancing energy, Aquamarine ensures your emotions don't become too overwhelming.

Wearing Aquamarine during Libra season will aid in keeping you focused, balanced and your communication open. It promotes emotional clarity, brings a sense of calm and relief, allowing you to set aside all judgement and be tolerant of yourself and others. A highly protective stone, it can also be carried by those traveling by water for luck and safety.

Labradorite Hammered Hoops Earrings in 14k Gold-fill

Labradorite: A powerful grounding gemstone, Labradorite can calm an overactive mind, promote courage, and clear anxiety. Once you clear away nervous energy, you can strengthen your faith in yourself and stimulate vitality in your life.

Labradorite loves to revel the truth and give our intuition a boost, allowing us to break up stagnant energy, so we can find what is holding us back. Calling on Labradorite to help bring your dreams to life and aid in dream recall may also uncover messages from ones subconscious allowing us to see things we may not have considered before in a different light.

This Libra season wear dreamy Labradorite to help uncover your own hidden magic. Let it tickle your imagination and encourage creative and transformative energies. Labradorite teaches us to trust in the process, strengthening our perseverance and clearing away any anxiety that change may bring. Considered a lucky gemstone for Libras, enhancing self-confidence and bringing good fortune.

Look to Labradorite for the upcoming Full Moon on October 9th, 2022. It's powerful protective energy keeps you grounded and your intuition strong. Wear a necklace of Labradorite if you plan to be out during the night.

Selenite Brass Elements Moon Phase set

Selenite: Providing clarity of the mind and expanding ones awareness. Selenite allows us to see the bigger picture and our surroundings. Selenite encourages self-realization, hope, trust, and optimism. Cutting through confusion, this stone reduces the fear and clears away anything that may cloud the wearers judgement.

Selenite promotes peace and purification, casting out stress, negative energies, insomnia and even nightmares; creating a calm and protected space ensuring you are safe from unwanted energies or outside forces. By keeping you protected and grounded, Selenite can help you shift energy blocks as well, bringing more peace and calm to ones mind.

Wear Selenite during Libra season to help you stay connected to the world around you and aware of your surroundings. Selenite will help you think clearly and with healthy judgement if you have important decisions to make, inviting you to be honest and open with all situations. Excellent use in meditation, Selenite can help us open ourselves to messages from the universe.

Ametrine Hammered Hoops Power Pendant in Copper

Ametrine: Clearing the conscious thoughts of stress and anxiety Ametrine calms the mind, balances, soothes, and eases the emotions. Ametrine can help you find inner peace with your decisions and clear mental fog so you are able to focus and take control of ones own life.

Libras thrive when working together, be it personally or professionally, and Ametrine is the manifestation of how working together brings incredible things to the surface. Ametrine is a naturally-occurring form of Quartz that combines the properties of both Amethyst and Citrine. Turn to Ametrine when you want to strengthen collaborations with it's ability to enhance compatibility and acceptance of others. The stone strengthens concentration, bringing clarity, and harmony.

Wear Ametrine these Libra season when working in pairs or groups to connect with others, stimulate collaboration, and spark ideas. Ametrine will keep you empathic to others and increase your ability to think broadly so you can see things from other points of view. By balancing your energy Ametrine gives you a boost in developing your own sense of power and potential.

Pink Tourmaline Hammered Hoops Earrings in 14k Gold-fill

Tourmaline: Creating a feeling of love and serenity, Pink Tourmaline alleviates stress, anxiety, depression, and fear. Pink Tourmaline helps enhance your self-confidence, supporting you in time of emotional unbalance.

Pink Tourmaline can be helpful if you're stuck in negative thoughts or limited viewpoints. Its powerful energy supports you to see things from a new perspective, healing emotional wounds and bringing about an sense of courage.

Libras are ruled by Venus, the planet of love, so it's no wonder that relationships are so important to them. Wearing Pink Tourmaline this season will help to bring harmony into your personal life and keep you compassionate to others. Pink Tourmaline draws in unconditional love and is said to strengthen friendships, while also boosting prosperity and inspiration into your day. Pink Tourmaline is a beautiful birthstone option for those that fall under the sign of Libra.

Pink Tourmaline is a good choice to wear if you are an energy worker, reader, or counselor, as it encourages you to be a better listener and lead with compassion. If you've been through a recent tragedy, heartbreak, or just cannot shake off daily anxiety or depression, Pink Tourmaline can aid you in healing. Wearing Pink Tourmaline while you meditate to give your the courage to let go of whatever it is holding you back from living life fully.

Important Dates for Libra Season + Gemstones

Libra Season: September 22nd to October 22nd

September 22nd: Fall Equinox is the first official day of Autumn in the Northern hemisphere. Use this time to reflect on the summer season and all the work you put in to refreshing and reviving your life and goals during Virgo Season. Give yourself some love for how far you've come.

September 25th: New Moon in Libra calls for deeper understanding of the way we interact with others, and whether or not this connection is healthy. Explore new ways of connecting and relating to others while still keeping your boundaries intact.

October 2nd: Mercury stations Direct and we breathe a sigh of relief! You'll start to feel things lighten up around this time, but still proceed cautiously as the retrograde post shadow can still complicate things for another week or two.

October 9th: Full Moon in Aries (Blood Moon) we enter into the darker half of the year, time to embrace what was once feared and step into this realm of shadow work. Embrace transition and let go of self-limiting beliefs so we can harvest our fullest potential.

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