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Gemstones for Capricorn Season

Welcome friends, Capricorn Season is here! Stabilizing the fiery energy leftover from Sagittarius season to help us get grounded, organized, and ready to set and manifest our goals and dreams for the New Year.


Capricorn Season: Capricorn Season December 21st to January 19th

Symbol: The Goat

Planetary Ruler: Saturn

Element: Earth

Capricorn Season is a time of year packed with lots of ritual and time capsule moments, which is no surprise with Saturn as its planetary ruler. Saturn is associated with traditions, rules, and responsibility. I mean, is there anything more fun than holiday responsibility? All kidding aside, Capricorn season is who you want ushering you in from year to the next. It takes the task seriously. 

The state of the world is in constant flux but the one thing you can control is you. If I could give you one bit of advice this season, it would be to make the moments count. Make memories with people you love, spend some time outdoors, and cozy up to a fire. The best choice will give you some much-needed inner peace and grounding to start the new year. 

It’s also a great time to get organized and make plans. Capricorns are known for strategizing and accomplishing goals. And while Mercury retrograde may make it slightly more sluggish than usual, it should pick up momentum after Mercury goes direct on the 1st.

Astrology by Casey Chafouleas


Gemstones for Capricorn Season

Garnet is a revitalizing and energetic gemstone, activating the heart and stimulating courage. Garnet welcomes love, success, and luck into your personal relationships, giving a boost to your sensuality and passion. Helping to balance the sex drive Garnet wards off disharmony and soothes emotions.

Garnet can also help you move away from old inhibitions that might be holding you back, allowing you to find your confidence.

Garnet provides strong emotional protection by bringing hope and courage during intense situations, or when you're struggling with sadness or depression.

Garnet is a great stone to wear and work with during Capricorn season. Not only is it the birthstone for our January Capricorns, it can help us all ward off stagnant energy as we close out the year and stimulate us in all the right places as we venture into a new year of new possibilities. Garnet will keep you grounded and on track with the goal oriented energy of Capricorn season.

Wear Garnet on the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th to help light the fire within, making it an excellent stone to helps us stay connect to our goals and manifestations.


Green Tourmaline is a powerful earth-connected stone, giving any wearer feelings of joy, happiness and compassion; perfect for Capricorn season and the holidays that come along with it.

Being of the Heart Chakra, Green Tourmaline is even better for promoting these feelings towards yourself all while also benefiting your heart health. If you are in need of some self-love or a boost to your self esteem, try Green Tourmaline.

This gemstone has also been known to induce personal feelings of inner calm and wholeness, attributes many of us may need during the busy and sometimes chaotic and emotional holiday season. Wear this stone to aid you during this time.

Green Tourmaline can strengthen creativity and awareness, encouraging the wearer to move towards their goals with precision and success. This may pair perfectly with you career-driven Capricorn placements or anyone out there looking for an extra boost in their career or life.


Fluorite can help increase your concentration and confidence, encouraging positivity, and assisting in decision making. By balancing your energy, Fluorite can help ease worry and neutralize negative energy and stress.

Full of positive energy, Fluorite encourages creativity and helps you to think outside the box, especially helpful if you find yourself stuck or feeling uncertain- Fluorite can bring a dose of mental clarity and help you let go and go with the flow.

Capricorns are known for their hard work, ambition, and their tendency to want it all at once- which can make even the most persistent Capricorn run low. In fact we all might be feeling that way this season, so keep Fluorite nearby to feel it's healing energy and allow it to aid in enhancing our focus and clearing our minds. You can even keep a piece of Fluorite near your desk or workspace to stimulate focus.

Consider ringing in the New Year with Fluorite to cleanse and more forward with all the benefits of this mighty gemstone as we prepare to enter a new year.


Rose Quartz encourages love of all kinds- love for friends and family, community, romantic relationships, as well as a healthy dose of love for yourself. To better help others, Rose Quartz asks you to put your own needs first so you can bring compassion and a full heart to any situation.

Able to replace negative energy with loving vibrations, Rose Quartz is support during times of healing and communication.

If you're looking to attract new or more love into you life, wear Rose Quartz during Capricorn season and as we leave behind one year and step into the next. Helping to nurture a deeper bond, Rose Quartz draws in more love into our lives by helping us find a deep sense of compassion and care in this world.


Sapphire is considered by many cultures around the world and throughout history as one of the greatest gemstones of all. Known as a stone of wisdom, Sapphire bestows the wearer with increased concentration, clarity of truth, and altruism for those around them.

Being such a powerful stone for increased mind fortitude and leadership, it makes sense why so many figures of Royalty throughout history were seen adorning this stone.

Sapphire is all about bringing you back to center, back to physical and spiritual homeostasis. It is believed by many that this gemstone can help you sort chaotic moments in your life by bringing you a sense of calm and focus.

Mercury stations direct on Monday, January 1st of 2024, but we might still feel a bit of a lag during the post shadow period- so if you're feeling scattered or you're being asked to make a decision with too many options, Sapphire can help you center your attention and even cleanse you of feelings of anger and frustration.


Tourmaline Quartz combines the healing properties of Quartz Crystal and Black Tourmaline- making it one of the most powerful gemstones out there. Tourmaline purifies and protects against negative energies, while Quartz Crystal amplifies and boost anything it's paired with.

This combination makes Tourmaline Quartz an incredibly powerful shielding stone that can convert negative vibrations, cleanse them, and re-release as positive energy.

Tourmaline Quartz is perfect for grounding and bringing a sense of calm to our nervous systems. If you're looking to clear destructive problems in your life or release trauma from the past, Tourmaline Quartz can help you release tensions at all levels, heal shadow energies, and even help control compulsive behaviors.

With all that good power packed into Tourmaline Quartz, it's bound to help you feel liberated to step out into the world with purpose and self-confidence.

Embrace the cleansing power of Tourmaline Quartz on the Full Moon in Cancer on December 26th to bring a sense of calm and grounding to the end of the year, allowing you to release what no longer serves and step confidently into the new year.


Turquoise promotes leadership, problem solving, and communication, boosting that goal oriented Capricorn energy this season. Helping to strengthen our convictions, Turquoise gives us an increase of personal power and courage.

Sparking our creative mind, Turquoise renews the energy, allowing for free flowing thoughts and a fresh outlook as we close out one year and enter into another.

While Turquoise is a birthstone for our December Capricorns, wearing Turquoise this season can be help for all of us. Wear it as a visual reminder is a great way to keep your focus and help you stay on track.


Important Dates during Capricorn Season:

Winter Solstice/Yule December 21st

This season starts with the Winter Solstice, also known as Yule, on the 21st. During this day, we experience the shortest period of daylight and the longest night. With each passing day after the solstice, our daylight time increases. It’s customary to celebrate by lighting candles and eating a delicious meal. While there are many ways to ritualize this day, the best rituals are the ones you make personal. Depending on where you live, you may find other inspiration to incorporate into the day. 

Here are some things associated with Winter Solstice you could use on an altar:

  • Colors: Green, gold, red, and white

  • Herbs: Cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg

  • Trees: Evergreen, cedar, fir, and pine

  • Incense: Frankincense and myrrh

Full Moon in Cancer December 26th

There has been a lot of energy heading into the end of the year that may have you feeling unfocused and frustrated. There is a current of malaise that could feel like a gray blob covering everything. Use this full moon to release anything that has felt less than supportive.

Mercury Direct January 1st

By the end of New Year’s Day, Mercury will go direct, releasing some of the retrograde pressure. However, it will still make a square to Neptune during the post-shadow phase until around January 14th. Neptune can make things feel fuzzy and confusing. So keep that in mind while navigating the end of this retrograde.

New Moon in Capricorn January 11th

This is the last New Moon in Capricorn that will share space with Pluto while it occupies the final degrees of Capricorn. Pluto won’t be back in Capricorn for 230 years, give or take. It will also be squaring the Nodes, giving it a significant vibe of destiny mixed with endings and beginnings. Use this powerful New Moon to set far-reaching intentions for the future while reflecting on your journey, akin to a Spotify Wrapped experience.

Capricorn Collection

Collection available in-person 12/23/23 at Cero Holiday PopUp Market

and online Friday, Jan 5th at 9am

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